A couple weeks ago I traveled with The Feudin' Hillbillys to Gifford, IL to help setup before the show and to do pictures and videos during the show! I had a great time hanging with the band, and got some awesome shots too! There was a great crowed at the show and they had ton's of energy out on the dance floor!
Check out some of the pictures!
Please feel free to comment below this post and let me know what you think of my pictures! I am always open to suggestions and looking for ways to improve my photography! Also, be sure to head over and LIKE My Facebook Page!
Fall is here . . . and in Illinois, we haven't had the best weather for taking pictures of things in nature...It's rained a lot and when it's not raining it's just been cold and cloudy...Here are some of the images that I have taken, despite the weather....
Wow! I've been pretty busy lately and haven't had a chance to post these pictures...A couple weekends ago, I went with with the Feudin' Hillbilly's, helped them setup their equipment, took pictures and video during the show, and then helped take everything down after the show. I had a great time and learned a lot of new stuff!
Myles, having some fun before the show!
Get your drinks in the airrrrrr!
Derrick - He's a pretty damn awesome drummer! He's drumming, running the lights, AND Texting! :D
Awesome Crowd!
The Stage after Me, Ryan, and Myles fired Confetti Cans into the crowd!