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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

New and Exciting Things / Coming Soon!

Today I decided that I needed to create a new picture for my Facebook page.  I have seen a few of the pages with a longer profile picture and decided that it would be worth giving a try.  I created this one in photoshop and I'm really impressed with the way it turned out.

If you haven't yet, be sure to like my Facebook Page!

Not only did I create a new Facebook Profile Picture, but I learned how to create a QR Code for those who have smart phones.  You can scan this image with your QR Reader app and it will link directly to this website, allowing you to view it on your phone! :)  I think this is pretty cool, since the image just looks like a bunch of random ink blotches.

Finally, I would like to announce that I hope to make some changes to my blog in the next few weeks.  These changes will include layout, theme, and much more.  If you have any suggestions, please comment below -- or send me an e-mail!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Snow Snow Snow! | January 13th, 2012

Champaign-Urbana has been hit with some snow the last couple of days.  It started Thursday morning, and has continued through today, Friday...Not only has it kept snowing, the tempretures have been in the lower twenties during the night...The snow has also been blowing and drifting all over, making the roads very slick.  Despite all of that, the snow has allowed my to take some good pictures today!  Check 'em out!

When It's Cold outside, I just wanna curl up next to the wam fire! :)

No matter the weather, I can always count on my Ford to get me where I need to go! :)

There will probably be more Pictures of the Snow COMING SOON! :)

Volleyball - Edison Middle School

My little cousin, Olivia, made the Volleyball team at Edison Middle School in Champaign.  I go to Urbana High School -- So there is only ONE TIME when I will root for a Champaign Team, and that is when my Olivia plays Volleyball! :)

The other night they played Bloomington-Normal and they won the game.  Not only did they win, But Olivia was the last to serve, and she served the winning point...She served and the other team didn't return it! :)

Here are a few shots that I took at the game.  I wasn't able to get very good ones from the stand, but these are the best ones that I took:

Edison Middle School Team

Team Huddle

Olivia playing :)

Celebrating a Great Serve, Ending the Game -- and scoring the Winning Point! :)

Please remember to comment on this and let me know what you think.  Also, please like my Facebook Page.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Sunset | January 4th, 2012

I was out driving around today, when I noticed how beautiful the sunset was here in Urbana, Illinois...So I had to get my camera out and snap a few shots of it!  Enjoy ;)

Monday, January 2, 2012

New Class :)

I am really excited to tell all of my followers that I am starting a new class in High School this semester -- it's a website design class.  I am hoping to learn a lot of new things about designing web pages, and hopefully it will help my improve the looks of my Photography blog! :)

Over the course of the next semester I am going to be making a lot of changes to my blog as I learn to do new things in this class.  Please let me know what you like or dislike about the changes.  You can send me an email (look on my contact page for email info) or just comment on the this post, below.

Please remember to subscribe to my blog, and Like my Facebook Page.



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